2 min read

Benefits of Hospice Care

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“My grandmother, Patricia, was in the final stages of breast cancer.

The team at Gulfside Hospice made her final days happy, peaceful and fun. She knew she was loved and cared for, and she was extremely grateful for everything. Your Hospice Care Center was not only amazing for her, but its team was also extremely kind and compassionate towards us, her family.

I’m grateful beyond words that you provided her with a good quality of life while she was in your care.”     - Rachel

home-health-body.jpgTime and time again, our staff at Gulfside receives letters like Rachel’s thanking us for care provided to loved ones, and the comfort and peace of mind given to family members. Hospice is so much more than just medical treatments – it’s an experience that changes lives and supports those who need it.

At Gulfside, our mission is to provide patients with the greatest comfort and peace at the end of life. This means:

Offering comfort and care:

Gulfside takes an interdisciplinary approach to giving both patients and their families the best possible quality of life, for as long as life lasts. Our entire team provides emotional and spiritual support to bring our patients internal peace and comfort, in addition to our excellent medical care. The interdisciplinary team includes: doctors, nurses, nursing aides, chaplains, social workers, and volunteers.

Providing practical support:

Interdisciplinary support and service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including medical staff on call around the clock. Gulfside Hospice also has resources to help with legal and financial needs involving end-of-life care and facility placement when needed. Our team also provides support and basic training for family caregivers looking to provide care themselves to a patient at home.

Relieving pain and discomfort:

Gulfside staff’s expertise is palliative care, more commonly known as “comfort care.” We provide medication, quality medical treatments, and soothing alternative therapies, such as massage and music, to help relieve physical pain.

Are you a caregiver looking for assistance with caring for your loved one? We are here to help. Click below to set up a consultation with our team of experts to find out how.

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